Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Etsy Store On It's Way!!!

     The Waltzing Squirrel is proud to anounce that they will be opening an Etsy store soon! It will sell homemade crafts and vintage items. The store will be called TheWaltzingDog. A link will be posted as soon as the store is up and running! We are very excited about this. By following our blog you will be able to recieve promotional offers and discounts when available. So check back and be on the look out for the link when the store opens.

                    TheWaltzingDog on Etsy (coming soon).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The New Year! 2012

     I can not believe that 2012 has already come and the Holiday break is over. My first week back at college has been weird. I can honestly say that it is going to take me a while to get use to typing 2012 on everything.
                 We have also finally had our first official snow this winter.

      It was a "Surprise" snow too, not even the local wether station predicted it for our area. I love it when the cocky weather guy gets surprised..ha! He really reminds me of the old news anchors that always acted so smug..."back to you bob" (If I had a pic of a smug news anchor I would insert here). LOL
                        Anyways I wish everyone a "Happy New Year"!

                                     (Happy Holidays!)